Find One to One Dog Training Nearby

Dog Training Classes Nearby

Last Updated Eamonn Turley 15th April2022

A dog comes with responsibilities. Exercise is mega important for all dogs, particularly lager breed, dog walking and also swimming are great ways to keep your dog fit and trim. If you have a  busy schedule, check out the price for local dog walkers in your area, more affordable than you may initially think. One that is sometimes overlooked as a character flaw is dog behaviour, particularly in the presence of other people or indeed other dogs. We have all seen dog owners walking their dog, but they have no control over the dog and the dog might as well be walking them. It is important and also your social responsibility to be able to control your dog's behaviour when in public.  I  am the owner of 2 beagles and I still struggle to get them to obey some commands. The dogs show no aggressive tendencies to me or others, so I tend to let them off with bad behaviour.

If you own  a dog that has aggressive tendencies and is capable of inflicting injury to you or others you need to take action to rewire your dog's behaviour. This can  take time and patient and many owners give up too early. If you fall into that category the solution is to employ the services of a professional skilled dog trainer. Dog trainers have years of experience of dealing with dog behaviourist issues. They can be expensive, but as the old adage goes, you do get what you pay for.  

One to One Dog Training Cost - Price Per Hour

When comparing hourly dog training prices, take into account a more qualified dog trainer may be able to get your dog back on track in fewer sessions than a less experienced trainer. So whilst one trainer may have a cheap hourly rate, in the long run they could work out more expensive and possible never fully solve the behavioural problem they have been tasked with.

Common Dog Behaviour Issues

Below I have listed a few of the common behavioural issues that are common in dogs, but many others do exist. We have a male and female dog, the male dog is domineering. The dominance is bordering on aggression. The behaviour is usually sparked by jealousy. Example, when walk time arrives, they both get very excited when they see the dog leads, but the male dog will fight to be the first.  The female dog knows her place and will lay down on or her belly as he straddles her. No actual biting occurs, and I do not see it as a major issue. Please share your own experiences by posting below.

  • Aggression - Takes many forms
  • Toileting - Maybe your dog is 90% trained, but you still can not trust it 100% 
  • Uncontrolled barking - Dogs have a right to bark as it is how they communicate, but it can often get out of control and become a nuisance.
  • Nervous - This can be inherited or be the by product  of experiences even back to its puppy days. In my opinion dog breeders are not necessarily all dog lovers and this can lead to your dog having bad puppy experiences
  • Jumping up: The dog gets excited and jumps up, cute sometimes, but what if if has muddy paws or their is an elderly person in the house.

One to One Dog Training vs Group Training

One to one dog training or private training is going to yield results faster than group training. One to one dog training is also more effective for dogs that have serious behavioural issues. If you just wish to train your  dog to follow a few basic commands and not pee inside the house then group training options may be the most cost effective route. However, if your dog has a lot of behavioural issues and is also untrained, then one to one dog training would be recommended.

Rough comparison table of average dog training prices based on UK Location

We would love some feedback on how much you pay or would pay for 1 to 1 dog training. We understand the price will vary depending on your location, but the poll results should act as a rough guide on average price of 1 to 1 dog training in the UK.

Dog Training 101

The dog trust offers a free pdf on the basics of dog training which I highly recommend, please scroll down to resources to find the link to the PDF. I have taken the liberty to highlight the key points from the training manual below.

The first key point is it is never too late to start training your dog. Ideally, start training the pup from day one, it is never too early. Whilst older dogs will be less receptive to behavioural change, with patient and rewards their behaviour can be modified. The second key point is that training should be a fun activity, both for you and the dog

Positive or negative rewards

I am not a qualified dog behaviouralist, but I am a qualified teacher, and positive rewards will always win over negative rewards. The dog trust is very clear on this point, stating that you should never use punishment. If you do go down that route, you will likely have a dog that is afraid of you and may turn aggressive towards you and others. My mum had a strange but effective way to house train our dogs by literally putting their nose in the pee and ejecting them out the backdoor. My point is whilst it may have worked, it is not the correct approach and in the long run will limit your success as a dog trainer. 

Positive rewards

This approach works on the premise of rewarding good behaviour by giving your dog a treat. Overtime, the dog will automatically follow your commands and wait patiently for the said treat. It is important to gradually reduce the frequency of rewards, only rewarding occasionally

Puppy training and socialisation

Training is most effective when you start early, you're never too young to learn also applies to dogs. It is best to start training when they are still at the puppy stage. At this age it is important they learn how to socialize. This can be difficult if you have a lone pup. The good news is that a quick search on your favourite search engine for "puppy socialization classes near me" should uncover local classes near to where you live. 

Training aids

If you decide to be responsible for your dog training, take advantage of the latest training gadgets, starting with anti bark collars that spray citronella scent. A humane and smart approach to control excessive barking in any dog breed.

Poll : How much is a dog Trainer per hour

Location1 Hour one to one training
London Central £70
London Outer £60
Midlands £30
South £30
North £20
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